What's Happening

See what's happening in Selma and Dallas County.

  • Cornerstone Realty
  • Legacy Properties
  • Pinebelt Wireless
  • Frazer Group
  • Town Country Real Estate
  • St Pauls Episcopal Selma
  • First Cahawba Bank
  • Terminator Exterminating
  • Terminator Exterminating
  • Terminator Exterminating
  • Terminator Exterminating
  • State Farm Insovqfip

  • UAB Selma Family Medicine Logo

Month Flat Week Day

Sun. 12 May, 2019

Mon. 13 May, 2019

Ø The King Center is accepting Nominations and Applications for our Summer Youth Leadership Academy

Mon. 13 May, 2019 12:00 pm

Ø  The King Center is accepting Nominations and Applications for our Summer Youth Leadership Academy


June 17-28-The Leadership Academy is designed to develop leaders who have the skills to positively influence and impact themselves, their peers and their communities using the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The intense two week on campus experience prepares youth, ages 13 – 18, to be influential leaders and change agents for their schools, communities and the world. The two week camp includes: A Civil Rights tour of Alabama, Small group facilitation, Interactive modules , Learn to code, Create nonviolent video games & apps, Produce short films and music videos, Learn to utilize Dr. King's principles to combat bullying and a 12 month follow-up plan with monthly in-person and virtual meetings. The Leadership Academy fee is $350. Nominate a student for the Academy here: Nomination Form  - Register your student for the Academy here: Application  (A non-refundable deposit of $25.00 is required for each application.) Apply for a scholarship to attend the Academy here: Scholarship Application

Wed. 15 May, 2019

State Job Application Workshop

Wed. 15 May, 2019 9:00 am

State Job Application  WS.jpg

Money Smart Classes

Wed. 15 May, 2019 10:00 am - 11:30 am

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Thu. 16 May, 2019

Selma Redevelopment Authority Meeting

Thu. 16 May, 2019 4:00 pm


Selma Redevelopment Authority Meeting

Thu. 16 May, 2019 4:00 pm




     The SELMA REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (the Authority) will hold its regular meeting of

      the Board of Directors of the Authority on the THIRD THURSDAY of each month at 4:00 PM

      in the conference room of Trustmark Bank, 310 Broad Street, Selma, AL, 36701, for the

      purpose of transacting such business or taking such action as may come before the Board

       of Directors of the Authority.  

     SCHEDULE FOR 2019:

                        January 15, 2019                           705 Alabama Avenue      12:00PM  *  note change

                        February 21, 2019

                        March 21, 2019

                        April 18, 2019

                        May 16, 2019

                        June 20, 2019

                        July 18, 2019

                        August 15, 2019

                        September 19, 2019

                        October 17, 2019

                        November 21, 2019

                        December 12, 2019 (Second Thursday due to Christmas holidays)

     These meetings are open to the public.  For further information please contact:


     Juanda Maxwell, Chair,

Sat. 18 May, 2019

M.O.R.E.-Motivating Others & Revitalizing the Environment

Sat. 18 May, 2019 8:00 am - 10:00 am


Bird Walk for Beginners (& History Buffs)

Sat. 18 May, 2019 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Bird Walk for Beginners (& History Buffs)

Saturday, May 18, 2019

8:00 am – 10:00 am

Learn the basics of bird identification from an experienced birder on this easy two-hour walk through historic Old Cahawba Archaeological Park. All skill levels are welcome to attend. Meet at the visitor’s center, rain or shine, and bring your binoculars and bird guide if you’ve got them.

Knowledgeable birders will guide you through the identification of the birds that abound at this time of year. A wide variety ranging from the “large” (like Bald Eagles and Turkey Vultures) to Barred Owls, Brown Thrashers and Hermit Thrushes on down to White-throated Sparrows, Carolina Wrens & Chipping Sparrows may be seen. So mark your calendars and plan on joining us for a morning of bird watching at Alabama’s first state capital. Call 334-872-8058 for more information or visit www.cahawba.com or www.facebook.com/oldcahawba.

ADDRESS: 9518 Cahaba Rd, Orrville, AL 36767

PHONE: 334-872-8058

GPS: N 32.31963, W 87.10463

FEES: $8 per person



Community Shred Day

Sat. 18 May, 2019 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Shred Day

Selma, AL May Day Charity Festival

Sat. 18 May, 2019 12:00 pm


Second Annual Mayday & Haitian Flag Day Charity Festival

Sat. 18 May, 2019 12:00 pm

Get Ready for the Annual SELMA, Alabama #MAYDAY & Haitian Flag Day Charity Festival, Saturday May 18th (Next to Concordia College and Selma High Baseball Field) at 2116 Franklin Street, Selma, Alabama! CLICK ON THIS LINK TO REGISTER --> https://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/O80FMnCaQbadalGs5ecjhR
Calling ALL family's, schools and organizations to come on out for something different and a GREAT TIME for (Food, Vendors, Music, Games, Car Show, etc.) GATES OPEN AT 12PM....TO BE A VENDOR, REGISTER FOR CARSHOW, 3 ON 3 BASKETBALL GAME, OR FOR More INFORMATION CALL (334) 327-5165 (786) 413-8853! Be there Saturday May 18th for Selma's big MayDay! It's a family affair event! Proceeds to benefit a worthy cause!