2018 Summer Camp Registration
May 15-June 1
10:00 am-3:00 pm
Boys and Girls ages 5-17
For more information contact Roderick McGuire 251-930-7033 or Mrs. Cowan 334-505-0200
Older Americans day Celebration in honor of “Making the Older Years Golden” from 9:00 am-1:00 pm at the Carl C. Morgan Convention Center, 211 Washington Street, Selma-Age 60 and older Free-Age 59 and younger $5.00- Make check payable to ACES and mail or drop off at 429 Lauderdale Street, Selma, AL 36702. Deadline to register is Tuesday, May 15, 2018.
2018 Summer Camp Registration
May 15-June 1
10:00 am-3:00 pm
Boys and Girls ages 5-17
For more information contact Roderick McGuire 251-930-7033 or Mrs. Cowan 334-505-0200
The Selma Dallas County Historic Preservation Society
Bruce Lipscombe
Author of
Going Gothic
Victorian Gothic Revival in Dallas County
at the Annual Meeting of the SDCHPS
held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church
210 Lauderdale Street
Selma, AL 36701
Tuesday, May 22, 2018, at 6:00 pm
2018 Summer Camp Registration
May 15-June 1
10:00 am-3:00 pm
Boys and Girls ages 5-17
For more information contact Roderick McGuire 251-930-7033 or Mrs. Cowan 334-505-0200
The Dallas County Family Resource Center is hosting a
Community Awareness Luncheon
12:00 pm-1:00 pm
Spire Auditorium (Formerly Alagasco).
We want to share information about our programs and services and hear from the community about other services and needs.
Lunch provided.
Please RSVP by May 21, 2018, by calling 334-874-7785
2018 Summer Camp Registration
May 15-June 1
10:00 am-3:00 pm
Boys and Girls ages 5-17
For more information contact Roderick McGuire 251-930-7033 or Mrs. Cowan 334-505-0200
2018 Summer Camp Registration
May 15-June 1
10:00 am-3:00 pm
Boys and Girls ages 5-17
For more information contact Roderick McGuire 251-930-7033 or Mrs. Cowan 334-505-0200