What's Happening

See what's happening in Selma and Dallas County.

  • Cornerstone Realty
  • Legacy Properties
  • Pinebelt Wireless
  • Frazer Group
  • Town Country Real Estate
  • St Pauls Episcopal Selma
  • First Cahawba Bank
  • Terminator Exterminating
  • Terminator Exterminating
  • Terminator Exterminating
  • Terminator Exterminating
  • State Farm Insovqfip

  • UAB Selma Family Medicine Logo

Month Flat Week Day

Valley Grande Fourth of July Extravaganza

All day

This year featuring music from Dallas County's own Charlie Argo! Complete with games and events that are fun for all ages. The day will end with a fireworks spectacular sponsored by the City of Valley Grande. 

VOTE: Municipal Election Day

All day

Have your voice heard. Be part of the process. Get to the polls and vote for your candidate for Mayor, City Council, and School Board. 

Diabetes Support Group Meeting

All day

Topic: “Developing a Winning Plan”

The support group is open to all who are living with diabetes, caregivers, family and friends.

For more information, contact the Dallas County Extension Office at 334-875-3200

Paint the Town Purple

All day

Join SABRA Sanctuary and help them paint Selma purple during the month of October to raise awareness and show hope in the battle to end domestic violence. Please wear purple attire and place a purple ribbon or bow on your door. 

Sav-A-Life Bass Tournament

All day

Participants have the exciting opportunity to choose from three different launch sites: Selma City Marina, Swift Creek, or Roland Cooper State Park. 1st place will win $3,000, 2nd $1,000, 3rd $500, 4th $300, and 5th $200. Blast off is at safe daylight and weigh-in is at 3pm. All entrants must weigh-in at Selma City Marina. For more information, contact Steve Craig (334)375-6208.

Fall Festival

All day

Vendors interested in booth space may contact 334-419-3271. Booths are $10. 

Event complete with games for kids and of course the hay ride!

Thanks to much hard work and innovative local leadership, organizers are thrilled to bring this event back after last year's hiatus.

One Way Bookstore Blowout Sale

All day

Friday November 4th OneWay will be open 7AM-5PM having an Inventory Blowout and Sidewalk Sale.

Many gift items that have been sitting on the shelves will be outside on display at up to 90% off regular retail price, and we will also have many many books for sale for $1-$2 

Saturday November 5th OneWay will be open 7AM-4PM and will be having the same Inventory Blowout / Sidewalk Sale but will also have items brought from home and will be having a yard sale on the premises in addition to the store sale.

One Way Bookstore Blowout Sale

All day

Friday November 4th OneWay will be open 7AM-5PM having an Inventory Blowout and Sidewalk Sale.

Many gift items that have been sitting on the shelves will be outside on display at up to 90% off regular retail price, and we will also have many many books for sale for $1-$2 

Saturday November 5th OneWay will be open 7AM-4PM and will be having the same Inventory Blowout / Sidewalk Sale but will also have items brought from home and will be having a yard sale on the premises in addition to the store sale.

West Dallas Antique Tractor, Car, Gas Engine & Craft Show

All day

For more information, check out their website: http://www.orrvilletractorshow.com/


Kingdom Convocation 2016

All day

The Season of Apostolic Release 

December 1-4


THURSDAY EVENING SERVICE – 7PM Apostle W. Channing Jackson, Speaker

FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE – 7PM Bishop Freddie B. Marshall, Speaker

SUNDAY WORSHIP CELEBRATION – 12PM Evangelist E. Lorraine Langham, Speaker

SUNDAY HIGH AND HOLY SERVICE–4PM Bishop Jacqueline D. McLemore, Speaker 




Kingdom Convocation 2016

All day

The Season of Apostolic Release 

December 1-4


THURSDAY EVENING SERVICE – 7PM Apostle W. Channing Jackson, Speaker

FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE – 7PM Bishop Freddie B. Marshall, Speaker

SUNDAY WORSHIP CELEBRATION – 12PM Evangelist E. Lorraine Langham, Speaker

SUNDAY HIGH AND HOLY SERVICE–4PM Bishop Jacqueline D. McLemore, Speaker 




Kingdom Convocation 2016

All day

The Season of Apostolic Release 

December 1-4


THURSDAY EVENING SERVICE – 7PM Apostle W. Channing Jackson, Speaker

FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE – 7PM Bishop Freddie B. Marshall, Speaker

SUNDAY WORSHIP CELEBRATION – 12PM Evangelist E. Lorraine Langham, Speaker

SUNDAY HIGH AND HOLY SERVICE–4PM Bishop Jacqueline D. McLemore, Speaker 




Minter Homecoming Christmas Parade

All day

Details TBA. For more information, call Margaret Fails at (334) 875-7028

Family Karate

All day

Tang Soo Do (related to Taekwondo)

Fee: $30/family (adults encouraged) 

Scholarships available. 

Ages: Grade 2+ accompanied by an adult

Free uniforms/free month of trial classes

Sr. Kathy, 4th degree Certified Black Belt Instructor

Call 334-455-0929

Family Karate

All day

Tang Soo Do (related to Taekwondo)

Fee: $30/family (adults encouraged) 

Scholarships available. 

Ages: Grade 2+ accompanied by an adult

Free uniforms/free month of trial classes

Sr. Kathy, 4th degree Certified Black Belt Instructor

Call 334-455-0929

Family Karate

All day

Tang Soo Do (related to Taekwondo)

Fee: $30/family (adults encouraged) 

Scholarships available. 

Ages: Grade 2+ accompanied by an adult

Free uniforms/free month of trial classes

Sr. Kathy, 4th degree Certified Black Belt Instructor

Call 334-455-0929

Family Karate

All day

Tang Soo Do (related to Taekwondo)

Fee: $30/family (adults encouraged) 

Scholarships available. 

Ages: Grade 2+ accompanied by an adult

Free uniforms/free month of trial classes

Sr. Kathy, 4th degree Certified Black Belt Instructor

Call 334-455-0929

Family Karate

All day

Tang Soo Do (related to Taekwondo)

Fee: $30/family (adults encouraged) 

Scholarships available. 

Ages: Grade 2+ accompanied by an adult

Free uniforms/free month of trial classes

Sr. Kathy, 4th degree Certified Black Belt Instructor

Call 334-455-0929

Workforce Summit

All day

City of Selma MAyor Darrio Melton cordially invites all business leaders to attend. Please call to RSVP (334)874-2100


City of Selma and Partners Host Local Workforce Summit

Selma, AlabamaMayor Darrio Melton and the City of Selma are partnering with the Selma & Dallas County Economic Development Authority, the Selma and Dallas County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Information, the Selma Career Center, AL Department of Commerce (Made In Alabama), AIDT, Alabama Works, and the Dallas County Commission to host a seminar for Human Resource Directors, Small Business Owners, Educators, and Healthcare Professionals. The Summit will be on Friday, January 27, 2017 in the Community Room of the Dallas County Family Resource Center (formerly Alagasco).

This Summit will feature Information on new regional alignment for workforce development and corresponding new programs that can help businesses reduce employment costs and assist in developing a better-trained workforce (apprenticeship programs).

“This is an opportunity for rebranding the workforce climate in Selma while simultaneously engaging all economic development partners. Please let us know if you need any additional information,” said Mayor Darrio Melton, champion of this event.


Family Karate

All day

Tang Soo Do (related to Taekwondo)

Fee: $30/family (adults encouraged) 

Scholarships available. 

Ages: Grade 2+ accompanied by an adult

Free uniforms/free month of trial classes

Sr. Kathy, 4th degree Certified Black Belt Instructor

Call 334-455-0929

Family Karate

All day

Tang Soo Do (related to Taekwondo)

Fee: $30/family (adults encouraged) 

Scholarships available. 

Ages: Grade 2+ accompanied by an adult

Free uniforms/free month of trial classes

Sr. Kathy, 4th degree Certified Black Belt Instructor

Call 334-455-0929

1st Morning Art Walk

Saturday, Feb 04, 2017 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
1st Morning Art Walk happens the first Saturday of each month from 8am-noon in beautiful downtown Selma, Alabama. Artists open their studios to the public! Check out the Facebook page for updates and specials: https://www.facebook.com/1st-Morning-Art-Walk-357587701298605/ 


Cemetery Walking Tour

Saturday, Feb 04, 2017 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Cemetery Walking Tour of Old Cahawba

Saturday, February 4, 2017

10:00 am – 11:00 am


The decaying ruins of Old Cahawba’s historic cemeteries provide an opportunity for a deeper understanding of the richly layered history surrounding the events that occurred at the site of Alabama’s first capital.


Join us for a one-hour guided tour as we visit one of Cahawba's three cemeteries. This tour will explore the personal sagas of many of those who lived here before joining its community of perpetual residents. Call 334-872-8058 for more information or visit www.cahawba.com or www.facebook.com/oldcahawba.


ADDRESS: 9518 Cahaba Rd, Orrville, AL 36767

PHONE: 334-872-8058

GPS: N 32.31963, W 87.10463


FEES: $8 per person