What's Happening

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  • St Pauls Episcopal Selma
  • First Cahawba Bank
  • Terminator Exterminating
  • Terminator Exterminating
  • Terminator Exterminating
  • Terminator Exterminating
  • State Farm Insovqfip

  • UAB Selma Family Medicine Logo

Month Flat Week Day
Date: Saturday, June 09, 2018 7:30 am - 2:00 pm
Categories: Community Event *


Saturday, June 9th

7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

1005 Alabama Avenue

(Between Broad St. & Lauderdale St.)

Selma, AL 36701

Finishing out a previous sale, this one has

small appliances; Victorian sofa; lots of linens, small uphols. chaise lounge; 2 file cabinets; 2 round tables,1 w/ 3 leaves; flags of every branch of the US armed forces; Elkay water fountain; Edwardian what-not stand; U of AL prints & other items; Roseville; bookcases; advertising items; 2 china cabinets; camel saddle; bicycles; lamps; queen bed frame; tv stand; wing back chair; decor items; vacuums; vintage Effanbee doll; small serpentine drop-front desk; vintage Life magazines; GE electric Westminster chime mantel clock; seasonal items; cookbooks, card table and folding chairs; silver plated items; Lane 4 drawer server; mission style chest; lots of knick-knacks and a lot more!

No early sales.

You need to be prepared to pack, load and haul your purchases.

Items must be removed the day of sale.

Cash, credit cards or approved checks.

See our ad @ estatesales.net.